Friday 1 February 2013

Ciate Caviar Nail Dupe??

I had heard about these Primark 3D Manicure sets a couple of months ago on someone else's blog (Sorry I can't remember who's it was) and really wanted to try them out as I didn't want to spend £18 on the Ciate Cavier Sets only to find out I didn't like them. So when I went shopping the other day I popped into Primark and to my surprise I found them! £2.50 for a Nail Polish, Nail Beads and a Filter to put unused beads back into the bottle. These were the only two colours my Primark had so I'm not sure if any others are available.

As they are from Primark, they don't have names to them so this set comes with a silver polish and pink/white/silver pearl beads.

This set comes with a dark purple/pink polish and multicolored pearl beads.

I can't wait to try these out and take some pictures to review them. I haven't tried the Ciate Caviar Sets so I can't compare them but will do my best to tell you how I found the experience.

Have you tried these yet? Have you tried the Ciate Caviar Sets?

Follow me on Instagram: CosmeticGirlAdele
Follow me on Twitter: @adele_marie90

3 lovelies have something to say:

  1. love these so glad you found a dupe as the ciate ones are far too expensive :D

  2. These look awesome, I wish I could kind a dupe for the Caviar brand in Canada :)

  3. oh my gosh these look lovely, i'll have to pop into primarny and have a look for myself! X


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