Hey guys,
Long time I know! Well I just wanted to explain whats been going on in my life at the moment. As some of you might recall in an earlier post I told you that I was starting my new job with Molton Brown. I've settled in and am absoutely loving my new role and all the team are amazing! I took a short hiatus from blogging until i was comfortable with my new working week. Well its been about two months and with a few posts put up here and there I finally have figured out whens easiest to write and schedule posts. So i planned to tap out a few posts today ready for the rest of the week when another obstacle is now in my way. The laptop I share with my mum has decided it doesn't want to play game and when we turn it on the screen remains blank. So needless to say my plan of getting back into blogging has once again been halted. So i just wanted to write this quick post as i felt all you lovely lot who take time out your day to read my little blog deserved an answer as to where i've been lately. I'm not sure how long it will be until we manage to get the laptop fixed so i dont know when my next proper post will be as right now I'm typing this out on my dads tablet and its taken me about an hour to write this little passage out.
Hope you will all forgive me for the lack of posts in the near future!!
Thanks again for sticking by me!!