Monday 7 January 2013

*Mallzee - A New Way To Shop

Online shopping is definitely a thing of today. As much as going to town is fun who wouldn't much prefer sitting at home in the warmth and purchasing pretty things with a click of a button (Especially around Christmas time when the shops are manic, yes I'm thinking about Christmas 2013!). The only time this can sometime hinder more then help is when it comes to clothes shopping.

The fun thing I find about going clothes shopping with friends is trying on outfits and getting your friends opinion right? When shopping online I can't say many people find something and then email their friends for their opinion before purchasing. This is what online shopping is lacking... The social side to it.

This is where Mallzee comes in handy! Mallzee claims to be the new social way of shopping online. This is what they say...

"Mallzee is all about creating a new experience for shopping online. Users create their own personalized shopping mall (Mallzee) by picking their favourite brands and stores. Our fancy software then finds products matching your personal style and showcases them in your Mallzee! To add a new social aspect users can then invite their friends to ‘visit’ their Mallzee through the use of Facebook chat. Friends can then discuss product choices and star items they think their friends will love and purchase from the mall themselves with great discounts negotiated by us. If you're still unable to decided on a purchase you can also create polls to ask your friends opinions before you buy. An added bonus to inviting friends to your mallzee is that as the ‘owner’ you earn money every time anyone buys from your Mallzee! (That's right you get paid when you or your friends shop!) 

Currently we have over 200 brands signed up to Mallzee (Urban Outfitters, New Look, Feel Unique and St. Tropez to name a few). We're really keen to get the word out about Mallzee and get future users excited about the concept before we launch later this year. With this in mind people can register now for a launch invite at and if they spread the word on Facebook or Twitter we will also enter them into a prize for £100/$155 of shopping vouchers and some other goodies"

I am 100% sold on this site particularly drawn to the brands which are already signed up to the whole idea. New Look, Feel Unique and St. Tropaz are among some of my favourite brands so I cannot wait for this site to launch. I haven't heard about a launch date as of yet but I would keep an eye out very soon!

If you haven't already signed up...Err why not ha! You can do so here and be among the first ones to experience this exciting experiment.

Follow me on instagram: cosmeticgirladele
Follow me on twitter HERE

*Sponsored Post

3 lovelies have something to say:

  1. Just signed up sounds like fun!

  2. Amazing blog and I love your posts! Am now following :)
    Would love a follow back :D

  3. New follower, found your blog on the Monday blog hop :)


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