Monday 13 July 2015

Lifestyle | IMATS London 2015

As everyone in the beauty community is probably aware, this weekend just gone was IMATS London 2015. This was my second year going with my fellow makeup obsessed friend Jodie and I felt this year was far better than our first. We had more of a plan of what stalls we wanted to hit plus the addition of brands that were new to IMATS made it all for a better experience. Some of my favourite brands/stalls there were NYX Cosmetics, Kiss Cosmetics, Nanshy, Crown Brush, Beauty B Cosmetics and the Love Makeup stall. Luckily we learnt from last year and hit the NYX stall first as when we thought of going back for round 2 the queue was half way round the hall and hadn't moved for 20-30 minutes. There were also so many amazing body art features going on that constantly had us gawping including Zoe Newlove and Anna Lingis at the Crown Brush stall. I will be following this post up with my IMATS haul so be on the look out for that but for now I thought I'd just show you the pictures I managed to snap in between spending my money so be warned it is very PICTURE HEAVY.

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