Monday 24 February 2014

Tag | The Blogger Made Me Buy It

I don't believe I've done a tag on my blog as of yet (please do correct me if I'm wrong!) so when I saw this particular tag pop up I thought I would have a go at it. It was created by Danniella over at Famous in Japan and it's actually been really interesting to not only read other peoples responses but to see mine and a few I had to really sit there and think about before typing out my answer.

1. Who are your most influential bloggers?  Who are the ones that you really rely on for reviews and swatches?
There are so many great beauty bloggers who give amazing reviews but the ones that stick out to me are Adrienne aka The Sunday Girl who is great to go to if you want to know what's new and what's going to be released soon and also Saundra also known as The Black Pearl Blog has really good in depth reviews.

2.  Do you buy a product solely as a result from one review from your favourite bloggers, or do you look for more reviews from others?
I definitely look at more then one review, and I try to find reviews from bloggers with different skin types to see how it faired on each.

3. What is your most favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?
I would say my Urban Decay Naked Basics and Urban Decay Flushed palette but I didn't buy them so I would have to say Sleeks Rose Gold Blush. I wanted it for ages after I had seen so many people blog about it but it was always out of stock and finally I got my hands on it and wear it near enough every day!

4. What is your least favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?
Definitely the No7 Cleansing Water!! It was back when all the drugstore/high street brands started releasing their versions of Bioderma and so many people raved about it! Let's just say I didn't even use a quarter of the bottle I disliked it that much!

5. Name 5 products you have bought recently as a result of blogs.
Mac Pro Longwear Concealer (I re bought it because I started seeing it pop up on blogs!!)
Garnier Micellar Water
Revlon ColorBurst Lacquer Balm
La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo
It's A 10 Miracle Leave In Product (Thanks to all the blogs across the pond!!)

6. Have you ever given into blogger hype?  If so, which hype?
There's not anything in particular that I given into (still waiting to buy the naked palettes!!) but probably Micellar Waters and Maybelline Baby Lips and Baby Skin.

7. Have you ever avoided blogger hype?  If so, which hype?
Again nothing I have purposely avoided just haven't managed to try yet due to funds! Bioderma being one of them.

8. Is everything you buy based on blogger reviews or are there some items you buy without checking out a review?
There is definitely stuff in my collection which I've just bought either because I've noticed it in store and have become very intrigued or I've really wanted to buy it for a while without seeing any reviews on it!!

So there you have it! I don't really think people actually tag others to do it (no one tagged me if that is the case!) but if they do then I tag all of you!

If you have already done this tag, leave me a link in the comments so I can check out your answers!!

6 lovelies have something to say:

  1. Yay love this tag, I need to do it!

    Sophie x

    1. Yes you do! Can't wait to read your answers!!

      Adele-Marie xx

  2. this is so interesting loved reading it! So hard not to give into to all the blogger reviews out there, pretty sure I'd have the whole of Boots tucked away in my cupboards if I did though! xoxoxxoo

    1. Oh definitely! I think I have about half of boots at the moment ha!

      Adele-Marie xx

  3. great tag, loved it ;)


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