Sunday 19 August 2012

Instagramming #3

Morning Lovelies...




1. Crazy conversations with my pregnant best friend.
2. I had a stomach bug earlier this week, wasn't pleasant at all.
3. Fireworks at the beach by my Nan's house.
4. Me & my sister still relegated to the kiddies table at my Nan's BBQ.
5. Me & my sister on our way to Nan's.
6. It was so hot yesterday and definitely a sunglasses, hair up kinda day.

Follow me on instagram: cosmeticgirladele
Follow me on twitter HERE

1 lovelies have something to say:

  1. OMG, that conversation is too funny. Haha. I found your blog through BBU Blog Hop. I'm following, and would love if you checked out my blog and followed back. Thanks bunches! :)


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